How to choose where to study abroad

Confused about where to study? We’ll help you find the place
that’s right for you!

Studying abroad is a transformative experience, so do your research before applying to the first place that comes to mind. It’s important to examine the advantages and disadvantages of the country where you want to advance your profession. We understand that choosing where to study next might be overwhelming, which is why we have provided you with this guide.

What course do you want to pursue?

Start by identifying your preferred course of study by making a list of your abilities and interests. Do a thorough investigation into the courses, programme, and duration offered for your chosen subject. While you’re at it, make sure to look into potential employment opportunities and long-term advantages.


What is the scope of your selected course in your desired destination?

Recognise the sectors in which you can look for work prospects after completing your programme. Consider which nations offer the most opportunities for students to pursue the course of study of your choice. Examine the destination’s industry base strength and see if any type of industrial training is offered.

For instance, New Zealand is one of the greatest places for you to go if you want to succeed in the field of civil engineering. There is an increasing need for civil engineers with good benefits in this country due to the present expansion of construction projects around the nation. Students interested in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries might consider Ireland, and those looking for research possibilities should consider Australia.

What is the scope of your selected course in your desired destination?

The educational systems at various locations may or may not be compatible with your way of thinking. Look into the classroom’s pedagogy for teaching. For instance, many universities give practical training more importance than academic notions. Do you believe such a strategy would be successful for you? Would you feel at ease completing homework and research papers each week?

Do you fulfil the entry requirements?

Always check the admission requirements for the courses offered in the location you want to travel to. Offers it a programme at the level you want to enter? Is it a degree or a diploma programme? Recognise your preference and make your choice accordingly. For instance, a postgraduate diploma is another option that certain Canadian universities provide in place of a master’s degree. Similar to this, the UK offers both teaching and research master’s degrees.

How much will it cost to study in your desired destination?

It is crucial to take into account the total cost associated with attending a certain school. Don’t forget to factor in auxiliary fees like lodging, utilities, transportation, etc. when figuring out your charges. Your course’s length will have a significant impact on the entire cost of your study abroad experience. For instance, master’s programmes are only provided for a year in the UK and Ireland but can last up to two years in Canada and Australia.

Find out whether there are any government or institute-level scholarships offered to study in the targeted location. If you are successful in getting one, it can significantly lower the cost of your education.

Decided which intake you want to opt for?

It is crucial to take into account the total cost associated with attending a certain school. Don’t forget to factor in auxiliary fees like lodging, utilities, transportation, etc. when figuring out your charges. Your course’s length will have a significant impact on the entire cost of your study abroad experience. For instance, master’s programmes are only provided for a year in the UK and Ireland but can last up to two years in Canada and Australia.

Find out whether there are any government or institute-level scholarships offered to study in the targeted location. If you are successful in getting one, it can significantly lower the cost of your education.

Does your destination offer employment opportunities?

Our programme of choice ought to be able to advance your career and position you to find job. Pick a location where there are lots of career options for your field. For instance, the US will provide you with countless options if you want to pursue a master’s degree in computer science. After all, it is the location of tech centres like Silicon Valley, San Diego, San Francisco, Chicago, and Boston.

What are the student visa requirements and policies?

Check for the visa entry requirements of the destination you are interested in. Each country has a different set of rules to abide by, and sometimes visa processing may take more time than expected. Also, visa processing costs vary for each country. If you’d require, our counsellors can help you understand the visa processes with ease.

Does your chosen destination offer you the kind of lifestyle you prefer?

Though not a significant aspect, it is something Indian students should consider. The way of life outside of India will be very different. All aspects of daily life, including the language, culture, food, and style of living, will change. Your approach to many situations will also vary significantly.

Consider doing study on the way of life in each location to determine if it aligns with your goals.

What’s the ROI and value of your degree back in India?

It is only logical for an Indian student who will be investing a lot of money, time, and effort to determine the return on investment (ROI). Does the location provide you with the kind of investment return you’d like? Does it prepare you for a job? If you’re thinking about moving abroad, consider the opportunities and financial gain. Think about how much your degree will be worth in your home country, especially if you plan to go back. This is something that students who choose specialist courses need to think about.

The logistics of when you can apply to study and when you can start your degree in various locations will also be covered by your IDP counsellor. They can go over your profile in detail and assist you in matching your professional and personal goals with the nation where you can succeed.